Monday, October 27, 2014

Staying Informed

Follow on Social Media

This is great because if you have a PD, then have questions afterward (which we usually do!) this is a place where you can connect and get answers or clarification . And at times, even validation when things don't always work the way they should.  Plus, you can get in a group of all people looking for the same help.  I am concerned about this being another thing that may take up more time.  I tend to get distracted with technology and end up spending hours checking out interesting things before I realize I never looked at what I got on to learn about in the first place!

Explore and Share: News Apps

This was an easy to use app.

Create a Personal Magazine

I found this app very easy to use.  I think it could be used for multiple things.  Magazines could be put together for parents, students, or colleagues.  This is great because you can focus on just the topic needed.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Connecting & Communicating

Connect with a Video Call

I chose to use FaceTime.  That was the easy part.  I took the screen shot but even with the help of a former student, Stacey Hampton, I was unable to upload it. I figured I better move on.

 I have taken the MAISSA writing conference the past few summer and we were able to connect with our facilitator throughout the year.  This was helpful for a number of reasons. One, she could connect with more than one of us at a time.  Two, if we didn't understand something she was explaining, she could show us.

I participated in Mystery Skype with my 3rd grade class.  I don't know who was more amazed, them or me.  It blows my mind how far we have advanced technologically since I started teaching 11 years ago.  When we Skyped, we asked the other class questions to figure out where they were located in the United States.  I feel the possibilities are endless on how we could use this for students to learn.  We have the potential to connect with anyone, anywhere in the world.  It could be authors, illustrators, or publishers.  It could be used to learn about history or geography.  It could be for the students to learn about other kids their age, in other parts of the world.

Holy mackerel! With the help of Stacey Hampton (pictured above saying, "Hi Brad!"), I was able to get this posted.  Boy was it a process.  There must of been an easier way.  Hopefully I can find out during office hours tonight.

Collaborate in a Shared Digital Space

You can use either of the links below:
Google docs page

I think this would be a great place for us as a staff since we don't get much common planning time.  It could be a place to collaborate before a meeting so when it came time for the face to face, we could get more accomplished.  We just had a meeting where we spent much of the time getting our lowest 30 percent on NWEA. We could have used a Google doc and had all that information gathered before the meeting so at the meeting we could have actually discussed strategies to address these students needs.

Three ways to use Google Docs to support my curriculum:
1. Brainstorming lists of ideas to write about at the beginning of the year, different seasons of the year, or after holidays.

2. This week we are studying bats and spiders.  We are listing verbs and adjectives for spiders and I think we will try this on Google docs tomorrow.

3.  Write a sentence to go with the picture I post.
Since this is new for them, I would want it to be pretty simple.

iPad Basics & Pedagogy

iPad Basics- organizing the home screen

First, I downloaded all the apps we were going to need in a 21 apps folder.  Then I realized, wow, that was an overwhelming amount of apps to look through.  I then decided to put them in folders according to the assignment.  I'm hoping this will be helpful having all the apps in one place each week.  Then it will be easy to go back when looking for an app also.


Zeeland (18sec) students filming video commercials on iPad.   They are in Bloom's level of creating.   According to SAMR it is redefinition because sharing with the world was something not previously conceivable.  This activity something that can go worldwide and last for years.

Zeeland (33sec) students doing math calculations and economics on the iPad.  I say that's augmentation.  According to Bloom's that is understanding and applying.  They are doing both of those skills to gather all the information together.

Chicago (2:35) Teacher talks about how using the iPad for assessment has revolutionized how quick we get the results back. This is on Bloom's as analyzing and SAMR as modification.   This turn around in results helps teachers drive instruction.  That is significant in keeping students on track and using best practices.

Chicago (50sec) Second grade students use an ABC magnetic letter app on the iPad instead of actual magnetic letters.  This is substitution.