I liked how the figure's arm moved as she talked. I used it to introduce a new writing topic. Because it is 30 seconds or less, it does limit your options but it also forces you to be very specific and to the point in the message you want to deliver. Two other ways it could be used are (1) as an assessment, students could answer a question and present their answer from their avatar; (2) directions for a center activity could be prerecorded, then you wouldn't have to repeat the directions 100 times for that activity. I like the app but you are limited in what is free.
Talking Face/Object
Loved, loved, loved this! I used my son and his friends to make this. One way I got around the short time limit was to use YouTube Capture to connect them into one piece. I took a picture of the boys and they recorded their voice on someone else's picture. They thought it was hilarious. Using a talking animal for the animal you were studying could be both entertaining and educational. We have a big focus on geometry/shapes in every grade at our school, having the shapes talk about their attributes could help cement the information for students. Students could use this to teach others something they learned.
Audio Expression
This was fun but challenging because I'm not musically inclined at all! I know when you listen to it, it actually sounds like it's spaced out too far. This was intentional. There is actually enough time in between for the students to repeat what they hear. I feel like some students could really excel with this. There are always those students who, as teachers, we're like, "why can't they get this?" Yet they can belt out every song they hear- word by word!? For others, like me, it would take them out of their comfort zone and push them to new levels of learning.
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