Saturday, November 22, 2014

Universal design for Learning


Demonstrating the Value of Speech-to-Text


I showed this to my 2nd grader right away! How often do you see a student who can't read a lick but they come in and know everything possible about a certain animal because they watch Animal Planet ALL THE TIME!!?This opens up a whole new avenue of gathering information and sustaining focus on learning.  I could use with Daily 5, listen to reading.  As a teacher, I could use it to listen to my emails while I straighten up my room, work smarter not harder. 

Guided Access

Oh, the minute I tried this out I knew how to use it!  I'm sure I'm not the only one with "That" student who NEVER wants to do their work but could stay on the computer all day!?  Well, now I can say he can earn minutes and set the timer! Hoot,hoot! Can't wait to try on Monday!! And it's an educational game! Double tricked!  Hehe!  I also like that it keeps students where you want them and they can't wander.  The timer is also good if you only want some iPads out and have students rotate to them like during Daily 5.  I could use this with my special Ed students, they don't understand time but will understand when it stops.  It would be time consuming to keep setting the timer though.  

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