Sunday, November 30, 2014

Movie Making

Movie Trailer

This app was very easy to use.  Just drop in the pictures and put in the titles. The trailers moved fast though and I wished I could have slowed it down a bit.  Students enjoyed seeing the activities they participated in turned into a "mini movie".  This would be a great cooperative learning group project for our upcoming December activities.  It could also be used to assess what students had taken from an activity, however, I'm not sure how it could change my delivery method of instruction.  Perhaps I could use it to teach a step by step lesson.

Stop Motion

I had great fun making this Lego movie!  My seven year old had a sleepover that night so I let his friends each make one in pairs.  I noticed the more objects included, the more complicated it was to make the video.  Also, it was harder to keep the hands and other body parts out of the video.  The movement might have turned out better if I would have had a stationary platform to balance the iPad on.  I think kids already have the skills required to effectively communicate a message.  In this medium they could bring that message to life.  Even though my boys didn't record voices on their video, they knew exactly how they wanted the vehicles to move and the plot to their story.  When they watched the finished product, they were able to retell their story.  It can enhance oral communication and written  communication.

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