Animated Story Project
Using Interesting Adjectives
I had a lot of fun making the little video. I had my friend and my 17 year old act as the students while I taught my lesson. Unfortunately, it was much longer then the allotted 30 seconds! No problem though, I also learned how to use YouTube Capture to edit and connect each segment together. I couldn't believe it! I'm a film maker now.
I can see using this to make short review lessons for the students. I like that I will be able to go into class on Monday and share this with my students.
Sock Puppets will be a great incentive to get reluctant writers to write, knowing they would get to produce a cute video. Also, reluctant speakers to speak since they don't have to stand in front of the class.
Image Based Story Project
Read To Self
I decided to use Shadow Puppet EDU. It was really easy to use. I thought it would be great to use for a Read to Self reminder video to help keep students on track. I now plan to make one for each area of Daily 5. I also want to include some off task behaviors so they know what not to do.
This would be a great app for the beginning of first grade. At this time students would be able to provide better detailed information orally compared to written. Also, the ease of the program would make it okay if the student made a mistake because they would just have to redo the slide they messed up on. I have taken a ton of pictures lately with the students and pumpkins, apples, and leaves. Now I'm itching to get back to school and see if they could make one them selves.
I feel that first grade would be more independently successful and less frustrated with the child friendly Shadow Puppet EDU app. I know they will love the Sock Puppet app but they would need more adult guidance and I could see some of my kiddos getting frustrated if they had to rerecord and/or reset-up the scenes.
What a great little video! My son thought it was so funny. I knew you would become a film maker :)